Higher Education


Higher education establishments typically occupy buildings with a mix of uses such as teaching rooms, laboratories, student accommodation, central catering facilities and recreation.

Our work with such institutions comprises:

  • Consortium energy buying and trading strategies to reduce costs
  • Identification of “quick wins”, namely cost reduction opportunities such as capacity and tariff changes
  • Centralised utilities data collection and management, meter changes, additions and removals
  • Setting up building KPIs
  • Training and hands-on energy management support for facilities managers

Our Deliverables

Key focus areas for savings include:

LED lighting and controls

Highly efficient and accurate temperature controls for space heating systems

Thermal insulation

Water efficiency measures

Average overall savings identified ~ 10% to 15%

Other Benefits

Compliance with various national carbon emission directives (e.g. CRC)

Request For Information

Do you think that your organization has achieved the maximum saving potential?

If in doubt, contact us to discuss how we can assist you to find & deliver additional savings and improve the financial and carbon performance of your assets.

Contact us

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