Our video library showcases lots of examples of Watts-ON in action, how it can add real value and make a significant difference, as well as lots of comments from our satisfied clients.
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Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses how easy Watts-ON is to use.
For example, the intuitive dashboard and the ability to provide key data and reports for efficient management.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses how Watts-ON has the ability to support the Maintenance Manager of a building.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses the impact and benefits that Watts-ON has made in a specific hotel within the Radisson Hotel Group.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses the kind of impact Watts-ON software has on the efficient use of energy.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses how Watts-ON has the ability to identify faults in engineering equipment before they become an issue.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses the other ways that Watts-ON adds value in addition to managing energy consumption.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses the strategy and processes he uses when assessing and identifying opportunities to save energy and water usage in a building, and how Watts-ON can support this process.
Simon Pearson, Area Chief Engineer - Design & Technical, UK & Ireland, Radisson Hotel Group, discusses the major advantages Watts-ON provides when integrated into a building's BMS.
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