What does ‘Sustainability For Buildings’ mean?

What does ‘Sustainability For Buildings’ mean?

Whilst it might be headline grabbing Sustainability for Buildings is not just about reducing greenhouse gas emission at any cost.

Instead it has a number of facets, including maintaining wellbeing and achieving social equity and these are essential criteria as we create a sustainable journey towards net-zero.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a Global, leading framework for Green Buildings with continuous innovation, which aims to help the realisation of near zero carbon reality.

A new benchmark for green buildings, LEED V5 is expected to be live in 2025, focusing on:

  • DecarboniSation
  • Quality of life
  • Ecological Conservation & Restoration

These three main goals of LEED V5 represent commitment towards long-term sustainability, as the new system considers the whole building life cycle.

The new framework focuses not just on design parameters, but on assessments taking account of long-term impacts of the development.

The new prerequisites are focusing on assessing the projects’ impacts such as carbon emission (embodied and operational), disturbance and negative effects on the environment, resilience and social equity, such as accessibility.

LEED V5 builds on the credits of V4 and V4.1 beta and aligns the updated requirements with the ever-changing world of sustainable design, including:

  • Choosing climate resilient sites
  • Assessing the long-term effects
  • Alternative transportation opportunities
  • Prioritising alternative energy and water sources
  • Material selection to reduce embodied carbon
  • Occupant wellbeing

In general LEED V5 adapts the requirements of the previous versions and applies them for to the whole building life cycle, from site selection and impacts to operation. If you are considering LEED certification for your project, get in touch to discuss which version and LEED scheme would be the most appropriate to your match your goals.

Further information can be found here:


Green Building Certification